Reaction: Paris-Roubaix Postponement Has Many Silver Linings

Silver Linings Of Paris-Roubaix Postponement

Michael and Gregor react to the postponement of the 2021 Paris-Roubaix, and conclude that it might actually be kind of a good thing? 

Paris-Roubaix will now take place a week after the UCI Road World Championships, which will be held in Flanders in 2021. This will give fans a sort of "holy week" makeup in the fall. It will also give classics riders extra motivation to extend their top form later in the year, as if the Flanders world championships wasn't enough of a reason.

Another change is that the women and men will race on separate days, which should allow for enhanced coverage of the women's race.

As COVID-19 vaccines are administered at an increasing pace, perhaps fans will even be able to line the roadsides at the 2021 Paris-Roubaix.